Mentions legales

Terms of use

SARL AQUARIUS 22 Impasse des Brayes 13260 CASSIS Mail : [email protected]
SIRET : 913 123 758
intracommunity VAT: FR07821452323
Site design: AccuBook LTD
Hosting : AccuBook LTD AccuBook LTD

Consumer mediator

In accordance with Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, our company has set up a consumer mediation system. The chosen mediation body is SAS CNPM - MÉDIATION - CONSOMMATION.

In the event of a dispute, the consumer may file a claim on the website : or by post by writing to :

CNPM - MÉDIATION - CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Libération - 42400 SAINT-CHAMOND - FRANCE

Right to object to telephone canvassing

Article L 223-2 of the French Consumer Code provides for the possibility of registering on the BLOCTEL telephone opposition list.
To do so, you need to register on the BLOCTEL website